Raleigh Junk Removal

If you have unwanted or unneeded items at your home just give us a call or schedule online and we’ll be on our way. Our experienced, friendly, professional staff of junk removal and recycling experts will quickly and efficiently remove your junk wherever you have it. You don’t have to move it to the curb – just leave it where it is! Your junk is in the attic? No problem! We’ll bring it down for you and get it out of your space. After we take your junk away we will sort it so that it can be directed to the most suitable facility, such as local recycling centers or charities. We collaborate with several non-profit organizations that distribute everything from food to books to clothes to furniture to those in need locally. Obviously, some junk must go to the local landfill, but as the greenest junk removal company in the Triangle we work diligently to keep it to a minimum. Read more Raleigh Junk!