Organizing Your Junk Drawer
Junk drawers are a collection spot for all the random or miscellaneous items around the house that are useful but do not have a specific place to go. For example, scissors, batteries, spare keys, pens, and bandages are everyday items in most junk drawers. Junk Removal Tips : Junk Drawer Organizing If there is more than one junk drawer or catch-all place in the home, it may be time to consolidate and declutter. Here are some junk removal tips to help clean out that drawer. Empty The Junk Drawer Before any organizing can begin, one must know what is in the drawer. Pull everything out of the junk drawer and lay it out where it is visible. Throw away any trash, expired coupons, old carry-out menus, etc. Now look at what’s left. Divide items into two piles – what to keep and get rid of. Finally, separate the “keep” pile by where the item is used. Like goes with like. For example, office supplies will go together. If anything in the junk drawer can be given a more permanent home, it i...