Old Junk You Can Get Rid of Now

If you are like most people, your home is probably full of things that have been collecting dust for years. These can include unused electrical appliances, toys, clothes, expired medicines, and a multitude of other similar items. People keep these things around for several reasons. Some people do it because they have a habit of hoarding things, while others do it because the stuff in question holds sentimental value. Getting rid of these items may be challenging because they make one feel nostalgic and bring back good memories. However, here’s a tip from McJunk, a Raleigh junk removal service about how getting rid of some of these things can benefit you.

5 Things That You Can Toss Out Today

Here are five types of old junk you can toss out today:

Old Clothes and Accessories. If you last wore that shirt a few years ago, it’s time to get rid of it. Unworn clothes are taking up valuable space, and it’s unlikely that you’ll ever wear them again. Donate those in good shape and recycle those stained or damaged.

Unwanted Electronics. We tend to hold on to old cell phones, tablets, computers, and other devices even when they’re no longer functional. Get rid of these things, especially if you have already upgraded to a newer version. Take them to an electronics recycling center for safe disposal.

Toys Your Kids Have Outgrown. If you have kids, chances are your house is full of toys, and many are unused because they’ve outgrown them. Don’t be afraid to give these items away and make space for new ones.

Expired Pantry Items and Kitchenware. If you’ve got expired cans and jars of food in your pantry or pots and pans that are scratched up or rusty, it’s time to let them go. In addition, condiments that come with home-delivered food, like ketchup and mustard, can be tossed. Finally, don’t donate expired food to food banks – they must discard them.

Old Cosmetics. Cosmetics don’t last forever, so if your favorite lipstick or blush is dried out and cracked, it’s time to throw it away and find a new favorite. It’s recommended to replace cosmetics every six months.

These are just some of the many items you can eliminate from your home now. So start your spring cleaning early and sort these easy things first.


There are many ways you can get rid of old things that you don’t need anymore. When you have large items, such as furniture or appliances, hire a junk removal and recycling service like McJunk. McJunk is the best Raleigh junk removal service in town. Removing and recycling unwanted junk is healthy for your home’s residents and good for the environment. If you have old junk lying around your house that you want to get rid of, contact McJunk at 919-850-4377 today and schedule a pickup. You’ll be glad you did.

The post Old Junk You Can Get Rid of Now first appeared on McJunk.


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